Requirements for PhD students affiliated with DRA

PhD students affiliated with DRA must adhere to the following:

  • PhD project within pharmaceutical sciences

  • Have at least two supervisors (mandatory for all PhD applicants at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences)
  • Principal supervisor must have completed the online course “PhD supervision: rules and regulations” before submitting the application for enrolment (every 5th year)
    New principal supervisors must complete the course “PhD supervision: advice, tools and practices” within the first year of enrolment (mandatory for all principal supervisors at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences)

  • Mandatory courses:
    • Annual DRA Summer school (3 x 1.5 ECTS)
    • Scientific Project Planning and Management course 1 (first year) & 2 (third year) (3 ECTS)
    • PhD students engaged in teaching – Introduction to University Pedagogy (3 ECTS) (preferably first year)
    • Introduction course for new PhD students (2 ECTS) (mandatory for all PhD students at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences starting 1 January 2025 and thereafter)
    • Responsible conduct of research 1 & 2 (2.5 ECTS) (mandatory for all PhD students at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences)

  • Progress reports

  • Annual performance and development review (mandatory for all employees at the University of Copenhagen)

  • An expectation alignment sheet with the principal supervisor no later than three months after enrolment (mandatory for all PhD applicants at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences)

In addition, PhD students are encouraged to participate in DRA activities, the ULLA Summer school, use the elective evaluation questionnaire and the elective career development plan