Lundbeck Foundation scholar stipends in pharmaceutical neuroscience
Under the auspices of the Drug Research Academy
For the year 2025/26, under condition that our application is approved, the Lundbeck Foundation supports 3 scholarships in pharmaceutical neuroscience, under the auspices of the Drug Research Academy, to support pre-graduate training of some of the best master's degree students enrolled at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. The purpose is to strengthen research skills by extending the master's degree studies by six months dedicated to a research project. The scholarships should be initiated no later than 1 February 2026.
The Lundbeck Foundation scholar stipend is a 6-month scholarship as an extension of the master's degree studies within the field of pharmaceutical neuroscience. The scholarship can be combined with the master thesis project either before or after the master thesis project period. The applicant must clearly state that they plan an extension of the master's degree studies and that the applicant is therefore still enrolled at the University.
The project description should include background, aim/hypothesis, project plan, time plan and references. If the scholarship period is combined with the master thesis project it should include a time plan for both parts as well as the proposed progress obtained by the additional months provided by the scholarship.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Scientific enquiries: Petrine Wellendorph, e-mail:
Administrative enquiries: Marianne W. Jørgensen, e-mail:
The scholarship amounts to DKK 82,000 (with a stipend of DKK 12,000 per month and 10,000 for running expenses). The grant is paid by the Lundbeck Foundation and administered by DRA and requires enrolment at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. It is expected that the student does not take on paid work during the scholarship or receives other grants.
Both student and supervisor must be based at the Department of Pharmacy or the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology. The place of study must primarily be at one of these two departments, however, the student may spend some time at a company or laboratory in Denmark or abroad.
The project must be of high scientific quality and within pharmaceutical neuroscience, suitable for a master student, and both project and student should be enthusiastically supported by a supervisor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences via a letter of recommendation. The scholarship can be initiated anytime between 1 September 2025 and 1 February 2026.
Changes must be notified immediately to your supervisor and you are requested to contact the DRA secretariat.
DRA scholarship holders are invited to participate in the annual DRA Summer School in late August and participate in a poster viewing group along with 1st year PhD students and a faculty chair.
The scholarship student should aim at publishing the results of the scholarship project in an international peer-reviewed journal acknowledging the Lundbeck Foundation for financial support. In addition, grantees are requested to write a short report, which will be presented to the DRA Steering Committee at the end of the scholarship and after the committee's approval to the Lundbeck Foundation.
Please use this template for the final report: DRA Scholarship final report template.
You can apply via this electronic application form. The application must be in English and the application deadline is 23 May 2025 at 12:00 noon.
Please note that the below documents must be uploaded and submitted with the application:
- Project description including aim and a plan for the research work (max 2 pages 12 pitch, 1½ line spacing including figures and tables excl. references).
- Applicant’s CV and mark sheets. Please note that information about grades also from your BSc must be stated. Foreign students with a BSc from another country must state the grades along with a note explaining the grading system.
- Letter of recommendation from supervisor
- Short CV from the supervisor (max 2 pages and 10 selected publications).
The applications will be reviewed by the DRA Steering Committee consisting of:
- Professor Petrine Wellendorph, Head of DRA
- Professor Martin Malmsten, Deputy Head of Department for research, Department of Pharmacy
- Professor Dan Stærk, Head of Department, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
- PhD student Caroline Buhl, Department of Pharmacy
- PhD student Jascha Henseler, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
The DRA Steering Committee will award the scholarships based on the qualifications of the student, the scientific merit of the project, feasibility within the given timeframe and the qualifications of the supervisor. In case of a committee member with a conflict of interest, the following practice will be followed: If a member has a direct interest in the outcome of an application by e.g. being supervisor, the member will not be part of evaluating the application.