Advancing Stem Cell Therapies: From Research to Reality

DRA symposium

The field of stem cell therapy is transforming modern medicine, offering new possibilities for treating and potentially curing a wide range of diseases. What are the driving forces behind these advancements? What are the current capabilities and limitations of stem cell therapies, and how are they influencing the future of healthcare? How are research institutions and industry leaders applying these innovations in practice? Join us for a focused half-day seminar with leading experts to explore these questions and examine the scientific and clinical progress shaping the future of stem cell therapy.

This seminar combines national and international highly recognized experts from the industry, academia and spin-outs providing an overview of the possibilities and challenges associated with using stem cell therapies in the pharmaceutical value chain, thus offering a great learning opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge within this area.



Welcome and introduction

Stine Rønholt, LEO Foundation Center for Cutaneous Drug Delivery / Danish Pharmaceutical Society & Lasse Saaby, Department of Pharmacy


Advancements in Preclinical and Clinical Stem Cell Therapies for the Central Nervous System

Agnete Kirkeby, Assoc. Prof., University of Copenhagen


Translating Knowledge on Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration into Clinical Practice
Ditte Caroline Andersen, Professor, SDU


Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Treat Patients with Non-Ischaemic Heart Failure

Morten Juhl Nørgaard, Cardiology Stem Cell Centre, Rigshospitalet


Coffee and refreshments


Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy: 25 Years of Progress in T-Cell Based Therapies

Inger Marie Svane, Professor, Director, National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, Herlev Hospital


Elucidating the Functional Consequences of Contact Between Macrophages and T Cells

Kolade Adebowale, Assistant Prof. University of San Diego


Making stem cells available for therapy

Anette Ekblond, Director of R&D, Cell2Cure


Coffee and refreshments


Lessons Learned from Development of Stem Cell-based Therapies

Jacob Petersen, SVP, Novo Nordisk


Navigating the Way from Laboratory to Human Testing in Stem Cell-based Therapies

Thomas Hassing Bronøe Carlsen, CEO Accelerator Denmark


Charting the Course: Regulatory Frameworks in Cell Therapy Development
Pernille Sterling, Danish Medical Agency


Wrap up

Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Danish Pharmaceutical Society

The symposium is free of charge and open for attendance by all interested parties. As the event includes coffee and refreshments, we kindly ask you to PRE-REGISTER via Danmarks Farmaceutiske Selskab no later than 6 May.

The symposium is organized on behalf of the graduate programme in pharmaceutical sciences, Drug Research Academy, by Associate Professor Stine Rønholt, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the Section for Biopharmaceuticals, Danish Pharmaceutical Society.