PhD defence by Lasse Skjoldborg Krog
Investigating lipid mesophase transformations in the gastrointestinal environment using in situ spectroscopic techniques
Assessment committee
(Chairperson) Associate professor Anan Yaghmur, University of Copenhagen
Associate professor Line Hagner Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark
Professor Claire Strachan, University of Helsinki, Finland
Professor Ben Boyd, University of Copenhagen
Professor Vito Foderà, University of Copenhagen
Department of Pharmacy
Graduate programme
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Place of study
The experimental work took place at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen, at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund, Sweden, at Elettra Sincrotrone, Trieste, Italy, at ANSTO in Lucas Heights, Australia, and at the H. C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen
Place of defence
The defence is conducted as a hybrid defence.
To attend the digital defence, please follow the link:
Meeting ID: 661 1782 0345
Password: aud4
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The physical place of the defence:
Auditorium 4, Building 14
Universitetsparken 2
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Ask for a copy of the thesis