PhD defence by Aikaterini Skorda
Developing an in vitro platform for personalized ovarian cancer research
Assessment committee
(Chairperson) Professor José Moreira, University of Copenhagen
Associate professor Barbara Guerra, University of Southern Denmark
Professor Iain McNeish, Imperial College London, UK
Associate Professor Tuula Anneli Kallunki, University of Copenhagen
Senior Scientist Robert Strauss, Danish Cancer Institute
Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Graduate programme
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Place of study
The experimental work took place at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, at Invasion and Resistance group, the Danish Cancer Institute, and at the Department of Systems Biology and Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine at Helsinki University
Place of PhD defence
Danish Cancer Society Research Center
Strandboulevarden 49
2100 Copenhagen
Ask for a copy of the thesis