Molecular computation for bioengineering

DRA lecture held by Assistant Professor Anna Tarakanova, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA

The rapid development of high-performance computing has enabled unprecedented advances in the mechanistic understanding of molecular biomaterials. We direct the power of our “computational microscope” to investigate complex biological molecular systems, to understand how and when these systems function in health and break down in disease. We also develop computational methods for the multiscale and data-driven characterization and design of novel functional biomaterials from the nanoscale, for medical and engineering applications, drawing inspiration from natural design principles. I will present recent work that combines multiscale modeling and big data frameworks to probe and predict behavior of complex biomolecular systems.

Read more about the Tarakanova Research Group.

The lecture is organised on behalf of the graduate programme in pharmaceutical sciences, Drug Research Academy, by Associate Professor Andrea Heinz, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

The DRA lecture is free of charge and open for attendance by all interested parties. It is not necessary to pre-register.