Introduction to Population PKPD modelling and simulation using nlmixr2

PopSim – DRA workshop 2

The PopSim board and DRA want to repeat the success from last year and host a workshop on rxode2 and nlmixr2 with a hands-on session. The workshop is intended for PKPD modellers with experience in using R and will provide illustrative examples of various modelling applications.

As this is a hands-on-workshop, participants will be required to bring a laptop and install R and nlmixr2 ( prior to the workshop.

9:00-9:05 Welcome by Trine Meldgaard Lund and Coffee
9:05-11:30 Lectures and hands-on in R: An advanced workshop in nlmixr2
by Rik Schoemaker (Occams, Netherlands) with hands-on assisted by Johan Areberg (Lundbeck)
11:30-12:00 Sandwich and coffee break
12:00-13:30 Lectures and hands-on in R (continued)

Pre-registration is required. Please sign up here no later than 14 August 2024. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.

There is a limited number of seats (30), which will be distributed on a first come first served basis but giving priority to PhD students and then to people that have not attended the first day. Participation is free of charge. Notification of admission to the workshop will be given by the end of August.

We want to acknowledge “nlmixr2 team development team” for their contributions to the open-source community.

Section for Quantitative Pharmacology (PopSim) – Danish Pharmaceutical Society

Drug Research Academy (DRA) – University of Copenhagen

On behalf of the PopSim board and DRA, Trine Meldgaard Lund

The workshop is organized on behalf of the graduate programme in pharmaceutical sciences, Drug Research Academy, by Associate Professor Trine Meldgaard Lund, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. The symposium is organized in collaboration with the PopSim Board (Section for Quantitative Pharmacology) under the Danish Pharmaceutical Society.