PhD defence by Rikke Lundsgaard Nielsen
Biomarkers for malnutrition and pharmacological treatment for anorexia of aging
Assessment committee
(Chairperson) Professor Ulla Marie Nørgaard Toft, University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Merete Gregersen, Aarhus University
Professor Elisabet Rothenberg, University of Kristianstad, Sweden
Clinical Professor Ove Andersen, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre and University of Copenhagen
Professor Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University
Postdoc Aino Leegaard Andersen, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre
Associate Professor Trine A Meldgaard Lund, University of Copenhagen
Head Clinical Dietician Tina Munk, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev and Gentofte
Department of Clinical Medicine
Graduate programme
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Place of study
The experimental work took place at the Department of Clinical Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre
Place of PhD defence
Department of Clinical Research
Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre
Auditorium 1
Kettegård Alle 30
2650 Hvidovre
Ask for a copy of the thesis