Nature Research Academies Workshop

Join the Nature Research Academies Workshop

This is the forth time we host this amazing workshop on ‘How to get published’ with the top-notch instructor Jeffrey Robens. The previous workshops have gotten awesome reviews from all participants. Do not miss out!

The six modules we will cover over two days are:

  • Effective Academic Writing
  • Logical Manuscript Structure
  • Preparing Impactful Figures
  • Writing Effective Titles and Abstracts
  • Successful Submission Strategies
  • Navigating Editorial Decisions and Peer Review

The workshop will take place on 8-9 October 2024 from 9-17.

This workshop is exclusively for PhD students in four graduate programs NeuroGrad, MoMed, IVP, DRA.

Sign up - Limited seats, will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The workshop is pre-assigned 1.6 ECTS for those of you who wish to be awarded ECTS for participation. The PhD school requests that you submit this form for the ECTS transfer to take place.